Thursday, January 31, 2013

Unfinished business

Back in late December, Amber and I took a long walk on a very cold and windy day through East Potomac Park in Washington, D.C., finishing up at the Jefferson Memorial. Unfortunately, the battery in my camera died before we reached that Washington landmark, and I was unable to take any pictures to post on this here blog. So this afternoon, with some free time and nothing to do (other than study, but there's always time for that later), I returned with a spare battery in tow to complete the task I set out to do last month. Mission accomplished, despite the bad cold I've been suffering from the past few days. Feel free to admire my dedication.

The Jefferson Memorial

The weather today was cloudy, with rain falling later in the afternoon. The temperature, however, reached the low seventies Fahrenheit (!), quite a change from the cold of last week. Winter, apparently, will be back at the end of this week.

Inside stands a 19 foot (5.8 meters)-high statue of the third president, along with selected quotes, including his famous words from the Declaration of Independence.

Near the Jefferson Memorial George Mason sits and ponders the writings of Cicero, Locke and Rousseau.

The memorial sits by the Tidal Basin, where Washington's famous cherry trees will come to life sometime around April.

I also walked for a while along the Washington Channel, across from the Washington Marina. It was just me out there...and a lot of geese. 

Also on the opposite side of the channel is Fort Lesley J. McNair, with its Generals' Row of brick houses and the National War College building.

On the way back to the Metro station, I snapped a picture of the outside to the very sobering United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which I visited last November.

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