Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I joined up with Micheal Turton this morning for a short walk on a couple of trails in the Tak'eng (Dakeng) area. Starting out from the parking lot for Trails 6, 7 and 8, we first went down to a cemetery. Being Ghost Month 盂蘭盆, I would've thought the graveyard would have been a busy place, but Micheal pointed out the spirits were probably out wandering the earth at that time in the morning. Being an eminently practical fellow, he decided the quickest route was to walk through the cemetery, rather than on the road going around it:

The weather was the clearest I've seen it in ages. The view stretched all the way to the foothills of Nant'ou (Nantou) County 南投県, approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) away. T'aichung (Taijhong) 台中, it goes without saying, looked great under the blue skies. Here's a view into the city courtesy of the zoom lens:

The hot weather (in addition to the morning walkers) kept most of the local lifeforms hidden away, but there a lot of dragonflies out and about. I unintentionally got a shot of this one in "Star Trek" lighting mode. You know, whenever Captain Kirk met an attractive woman, she would always be backlit in soft light:

A last glimpse towards the city down below, before the trail turned inward, and eventually back down to the parking lot:

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