Saturday, May 17, 2008

What should be obvious to all...

...apparently isn't obvious to some. The scene behind my apartment building today:

There is a narrow lane that I use everyday as a shortcut to get to work. Most of the route is wide enough for cars and even trucks, but at one end the road narrows to a point that only the smallest of blue trucks can navigate. As you can see from the photo above, there's a sign indicating that cars shouldn't go beyond that point, and if that isn't clear enough, it should be obvious that the last stretch of asphalt is strictly scooter territory. And yet, every now and then, someone tries to drive through, and gets stuck as a result.

Today's case was a little different, though. Most of the time, drivers will summon a forklift from one of the small factories nearby to extricate their cars. The motorist of the van pictured above, however, seemed to have abandoned his/her vehicle. It was there at 9:30 this morning when I left for work, and it was there at noon when I came home for lunch. And when I went out again at 1:30, it was still there, only this time a couple of police officers had shown up to check it out. Whatever happened in the end, it was gone when I came home at 10 o'clock this evening.

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