Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring, the Rams are scoring...

...or so went a variation on the old rhyme that I vaguely recall from childhood. It's been raining a lot here recently, and it's been doing so like clockwork. I got caught in nasty downpours while going home for dinner on both Monday and Tuesday, at roughly the same time, and in very similar conditions - heavy rain, with thunder and lightning. Today it rained almost the entire afternoon, but as this is the only time during the week that I now have to go walking in the mountains, I couldn't let the opportunity slip by. Besides, after having to give up a long-planned hike between Gas-san 月山 and Yudono-san 湯殿山 in Japan because of inclement weather, I am determined not to be a wuss when it comes to weather and mountains (within reason, of course!). And so I rode out again to Tak'eng (Dakeng) 大坑, and this time walked up the No. 6 Trail, and down the No. 7 (with some exploring in between). The rain was steady but not too hard, and the combination of an umbrella and a plastic poncho keep me reasonably dry (though I ended up soaked from perspiration). The wet weather had the added bonuses of shrouding the hills in atmospheric mist, while keeping other hikers away (though there were a few diehard KTV crooners out today).

Upon returning home, the rain let up somewhat, but the sky started to get more ominous-looking, so I took Amber up to the roof to have a look. Amber had fun playing around while I was taking pictures, and we both managed to get back inside before the heavens opened up again.

The air was so clean and clear that the ocean (in this case, the Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡) could be seen in the distance, thanks to the power of my camera's zoom lens. This is truly a rare sight.

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