Tuesday, October 16, 2007

R.I.P. Chiou-chiou

It is with great sadness that I must report that our beloved Chinchilla, Chiou-chiou 球ちゃん, has passed away. He apparently died in his sleep last night at the vet's. I'm not sure of his exact age, but the best guess is that he was close to 15 years old, so he was able to live a relatively long life. Poor Chiou-chiou never had an easy time of things in life - being a pure breed was no doubt one of the reasons he had so many health problems. He suffered from urinary tract problems as well as colitis 大腸炎, and during the last year of his life he lost his sight as well. Yet Chiou-chiou remained a friendly, loving animal throughout it all. He was even able to experience life in another country, having accompanied us to Yokkaichi 四日市 in Japan.

You were a good boy, Chiou-chiou. Thank you for the days.

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